If not, you will need to modify the nut, or bring it to a luthier. You will have to buy a Low G string or a set of Low G strings, and make sure that the Low G string can fit into the nut slot for the G string. While no Flight ukulele comes with Low G (yet!), if you want to try Low G, you can! Many players own ukuleles in both reentrant (Low G) and linear (High G) tuning. Think of it this way: reentrant tuning places the ukulele in the range of the soprano singing voice linear tuning places the ukulele in the range of the alto singing voice. One popular modification of the ukulele is the use of a Low G string, tuned below the C, which is called “linear tuning.” IZ used this type of tuning on his famous, “Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World.” Low G gives the ukulele four additional half steps below middle C and creates a “darker, fuller” sound.